Change the email address for your account

Changed your email, company, or your organization has given you a new email address? You can now change the email address that you use for AIHR directly in your account.

Changing an account email address comes with a few important things to note, so we'll walk you through everything you need to know.

Important things to note

For all members

  1. When changing your email, all course progress activities, and other account data will be saved and available with the new email.
  2. You can only change your email once every 30 days.
  3. You will need to confirm the change within 24 Hrs of the request via your new email address.
  4. Certificates will not be carried over and will not show in your personal dashboard, but can always be found in the certificate validator here.

For members of teams

  1. It is not possible to change your email if you are using your organization's Single Sign-On (SSO) for login.

How to change your email

You can change your email directly in your account here

To change your email address follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have a password set.
    1. If you do not have a password set, you can set a password from your account here
    2. If you do not have a password, you will see. 'Set password'
    3. If you do have a password already, you will see 'Change password' instead
  2. Disconnect all social logins associated with your account.
    1. You can add them back if the email associated with your social accounts matches the new email address
  3. When you have disconnected your social accounts, and set a password, you will. be able to click 'Change Email' and enter the new email address that you would like to use.
  4. Confirm the change with your password.
  5. You will then receive an email sent to the new address. You will need to confirm the change.
  6. Once confirmed, you will be asked to log in again using the new email address and password.

To reference each step, please refer to the image below:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What happens if I do not confirm the email address within 24 Hrs?
    1. If you do not confirm the email within 24 Hrs, the link will expire, the change will not be processed, and you will need to request the change once more in your account.
  2. What happens if I already have an account with both email addresses?
    1. If both email addresses are existing within our system, you will not be able to change your email directly in your own account. Please contact the team, and we will be able to support you with the transfer of your membership.
  3. Does this change the email of my billing?
    1. No, the billing profile of your account, and the platform are two separate accounts. To update your billing and subscription details, click here. You will need to use the original email address used during your registration to access this profile unless previously changed.
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