How do I invite team members?

Once you have registered and activated your account, as the License Holder, you can access the "My Team" page and invite members right away. Here's how: 

  1. Navigate to 'Account & Membership' in the portal. You can do this by using the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the portal. This is located at the bottom
  2. Click on 'My Team' in the top-center of the page.  Then select 'Invite Team Members'

Don't see 'My Team'? Contact our Support Team to enable this for you.

From there, you can invite your team members. You can do this by:

  1. Providing the new member's full name and email address.
  2. Inviting more members of your team?  Click '+add another row' to invite multiple team members at once
  3. When you're ready to send the invitations, click the yellow 'Invite' button to send the invitations directly to your team members. 

New team members will receive the email invitation. To join the team, they need to click the link! The next step is to create an account or log into their existing account. Once new team members activate their accounts, you can see their last login date under the 'My Team' tab. 

Need more members? Contact us to add additional seats to your license!

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