What roles and permissions are available for teams?

There are three roles available for teams with different levels of access. Those are:

  1. License Holders
  2. Managers
  3. Members

License Holders

License Holders are the owners of the account! They can:

  • Manage account billing
  • Invite & remove Members (Includes resending member invitations)
  • See team progress & access
  • Can, but does not have to be, a member as well

If a License Holder chooses not to be a member, their access does not use up a seat on the license, and they will only be able to access Account Management features. 

Once a license is created, it is not possible to change/update the license holder information.


Managers have very similar access; however, they cannot see/control billing. They can:

  • Invite & Remove Members
  • See team progress & access
  • Managers do take up a member seat on the license


Members can access the learning portal and their own profiles only. They will have access to the following:

  • All AIHR programs
  • Community
  • Resource Library
  • Assessments
  • And more...! 


Access License Holder
(That does not use a seat) 
License Holder
(That does use a seat)
Manager Member
Uses a Seat on the Platform
Learning Portal & Platform
Team Management

Have questions about managing your team? Contact our Support Team, and they will be happy to assist you.

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